Pastor Kent and Andrea Davenport
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
[Matthew 22: 37-40]
Service Times:
Sunday Worship Service starts at 10:45am
You can also watch online, we will start streaming the service at 10:35am from our Facebook page. Click on the video below to be taken to our Facebook page!
Wednesday - 6pm Activities for all ages! (Wed. Dinner at 5:30-6 pm, September through April)
September 12th, 2024
Greetings Morgan Church of the Nazarene!
Sunday was such a great day! We launched our Spanish worship service Sunday at 1pm and had nearly 100 people in attendance (15 of those were also in our morning service)! It was a service full of energy and the movement of God. Several responded to an altar call at the conclusion of the service. Following the service there was a celebration meal. I want to say thank you to everyone who helped out and participated. I should probably also clarify, a large number of those who came to our Spanish service came from Denver to support the Carrillo family. But there were several here from Ft Morgan, including some who participated in our ministry at Landmark this summer. It was a great day and I am looking forward to seeing how God will continue to move!
And last night was our first Wednesday of meals, Caravan, and Language Learning. It was a great night full of excitement! Thank you to everyone who serves on Wednesday nights!
On Tuesday our church board met. We prayed together, celebrated what God is doing in the church, and talked about future plans. One item to note is that the finance report showed that our giving is down considerably for these past few months, so the trustees will be reviewing the budget and proposing necessary adjustments at our next meeting. Please pray for discernment in that process, and prayerfully consider how God may be calling you to give in this season. There is no sense of panic among the board in this season, but rather, excitement! God is at work here, and we firmly believe that God will supply all that is needed for us to do all that he calls us to do. As usual, I have attached the report I submitted to the board.
This Sunday we will continue in the gospel of Mark. Jesus asks his disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" And then Jesus has some hard lessons to teach them.
9:30am - Sunday School
10:45am - Worship service (English)
Kids will go to Children's Church
1:00pm - Worship Service (Spanish)
Scriptures: Isaiah 50:4-9a; Mark 8:27-38
Prayer: From Disciplines for the Inner Life, pg 38
.Father, you clothe the sky with light and the depths of the ocean with darkness. You work wonders among the sons of men. Give me eyes to see your handiwork this day. Amen.
Announcements: (For more details, see the bulletin, check out our Facebook page, or just ask!)
Language Sharing: Wednesdays from 6pm-7:30pm in the Joy-Seekers' Room
Spanish Worship Service - Sundays @ 1pm
Alabaster - On Sunday, September 22 we will be collecting our Alabaster offering. Alabaster is a special offering that goes toward building projects around the world, such as churches, schools, hospitals, and childcare centers.
Sound Booth Training - TOMORROW Friday, Sept 13. Learn a new skill or get a refresher on how to run the sound board and the media computer. 6pm-7pm. See Jake Fajardo or Brianna Newell for details.
Ladies Tea - Oct 5 - See Khris Pena for details
Dinner & Hayride @ the Goss's - Oct 11
All Church Work Day - Oct 12
NDI Convention & Training Day - Oct 19
Fall Fun Fest - Oct 31
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Kent